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  • Writer's pictureHannah Youell

Self Care Vs Self-Compassion (Guess which one I prefer!)

I find the concept of self care quite tricky. It conjures up images of face masks and spa days, and while I wouldn’t turn down either of those, I rarely feel like I have the time (or money). Also, pampering and treats feel nice at the time, but I don’t find they have much of a meaningful, long term impact on my overall well-being.

Self compassion is about the way we relate to ourselves, and how we treat ourselves as a consequence. It’s not just the words we use to talk to ourselves, but the tone of voice as well. Maybe that voice inside is loud and clear for you, or maybe you need to pay close attention to really hear it. Rewiring our brains to change things can feel clunky and maybe even silly at first, but the more we do it, the more natural and automatic it becomes. 

Studies confirm that growing a compassionate inner voice has an amazing impact on our stress levels and can reduce the time we spend in adrenaline-fueled fight or flight mode. This helps us to think more clearly, make better decisions and is healthy for our bodies. 

Self compassion takes awareness, practice and repetition, but it costs nothing and we have multiple opportunities to practise every day. I find it much more useful and achievable than more superficial methods of self care, and knowing the science to back it up motivates me to keep practicing.

What does your inner voice sound like? What kind of things do you say to yourself?

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